Gifts in Honor & Memory

Show your appreciation (or gRADitude!) to someone who has made a difference in your life by making a gift in tribute. Your gift, made in honor or memory, will recognize your honoree while making an impact on the future of radiation oncology!
When you donate, you will have the option to make your gift in honor or memory of one person or multiple people (see Step 2). After you've made your gift, and with your permission, we'll add your honoree to our Wall of Tributes (see below) and we'll send them a certificate via email or post (don't forget to include an email or address)!
We encourage you to share about your honoree via social using #RadOncThanks, or by sending us an email so that we can post it on our ROI social handles.

Every gift will advance research and education of radiation therapy, so that patients with cancer can receive innovative treatments that will enhance quality of life and ultimately, save more lives.